
Zirconium Crown



What is zirconium crown?

Zirconium crown is a successful treatment method in terms of durability and tissue compatibility, which gives the most effective results in dental aesthetics. With zirconium crowns, tooth loss is eliminated, a healthy smile is gained, and a result is obtained as natural as one’s own teeth. In zirconium crown, white colored infrastructure material is used instead of metal as a substructure.

Scope of application:
Zirconium crowns are used:
  • In advanced coloration of teeth,
  • In the treatment of hereditary structure discoloration,
  • In cases where orthodontic treatment is not preferred, in discrete teeth such as “diastema” or in the treatment of minor crooked teeth,
  • In teeth with large fillings,
  • To create smile aesthetics.
What are the advantages of zirconium crowns?
  • With the zirconium crown, you will have the closest appearance to your natural teeth.
  • It is the most ideal treatment option for those who are allergic to metal.
  • Since there is no excessive tooth cutting in the zirconium crown, tooth sensitivity does not occur against cold and hot foods.
  • Zirconium veneer is more compatible with the gingiva compared to metal-supported veneers.
  • Gray discoloration caused by the metal at the gingival border is absent in the zirconium crown, it is more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Since it is compatible with the gingiva, the probability of future gingival recession problems is low.
  • Discoloration formation with the consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee is very low in the zirconium crown, and it is mostly not experienced at all.
What are the advantages of zirconium-based teeth compared to metal-based porcelain teeth?
  • Since it is an insulator, hot-cold sensitivity does not develop.
  • It is a very aesthetic material since its light transmittance is very similar to the natural tooth structure. Therefore, zirconium is preferred especially in anterior teeth.
  • Metal-supported porcelain crown-bridge (crowns) are mechanically adhered to the tooth. Zirconium is attached to the tooth mechanically and chemically. Therefore, their retention is much higher than metal supported bridges.
  • Since there is no metal in its substructure, there is no dark line at the crown-gingival level. It provides a more aesthetic appearance.
  • Since the porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth, it minimizes the stains and tartar formations caused by smoking and similar reasons.
  • It does not change color with external factors such as coffee, tea, cigarette.
  • There is no risk of allergy against some metals (nickel, etc.) used in the infrastructure, in porcelains with zirconium infrastructure.
  • Since it is perfectly compatible with our body, it can be used easily in patients with gum disease or at high risk of developing gum disease. Its compatibility with the gingiva is very good, if oral hygiene is given importance, it does not cause gingival problems.
Are There Any Disadvantages of Zirconium Crowns?

It is not recommended because the probability of fracture will increase when there are long edentulous spaces in the posterior regions.

How are zirconia crowns applied?

Since local anesthesia is applied before the procedure, the patient does not feel pain. The teeth are reduced and their measurements are taken. Crowns are specially produced in the laboratory. Before the teeth are fixed, rehearsal sessions are held. If the patient is satisfied with the result, the teeth are fixed with special adhesives.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there any pain during the procedure?

Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain. Some patients may experience mild tingling.

Can zirconium be used in patients with metal allergies?

Since there is no metal in the zirconium crown, patients who have metal allergies can also be treated easily

How long can zirconium crowns be used?

When regular checkups and dental care are taken care of, the patient can use it for many years.

How long does the treatment result after?

This application is completed in 1 week in patients with healthy gums. It can be continued with a few rehearsals until the satisfaction of the doctor and the patient is achieved.

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