
Composite Bondings

What is the composite bonding treatment?

Bonding is a form of restoration performed as an alternative to porcelain veneers on teeth with darkened color, cracks or small fractures, slightly crooked or split teeth. The dentist gives the desired aesthetic appearance to the problematic tooth or teeth with the help of composite (aesthetic) filling material.

How is the procedure of composite bonding treatment?

While bonding filling is done, first of all, the color is chosen and the tooth surface is abraded very little. In order for the filling to adhere to the tooth, the tooth surface is covered with a material compatible with the tooth. The prepared composite is applied to the tooth and shaping is done. Then the material is hardened with laser light. Finally, polishing is done and the patient can return to daily life.

In which cases is the bonding application preferred?
  • In closing the spaces (diastema) between the teeth
  • Changing the shape of the teeth (such as lengthening the teeth)
  • In changing the color of the teeth
Who is suitable for composite bonding treatment?

It can be used in patients with healthy gums with tooth fracture, discoloration or minor crowding.

What are the advantages of the laminate veneer treatment?
  • It is an aesthetic application.
  • Application time is short. It is usually finished in a single appointment.
  • It is cheaper than porcelain veneers.
  • It is easier to repair or renew.
  • No anesthesia required.
What are the disadvantages of laminate veneer treatment?
  • Since composite filling material is not as strong as tooth enamel or porcelain, it can easily break or dislodge, especially if it is heavily loaded.
  • Depending on the person’s oral care and eating habits, deterioration or discoloration may occur in the structure of the filling material over time.
  • May require repair or replacement every 3-5 years.
  • The least tooth loss occurs in this application.
  • It is in the form of a natural tooth and is unnoticeable.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does the composite bonding application take?

For per teeth, it takes approximately 15 minutes. However, this period may be extended depending on the condition of the tooth.

What is the lifetime of the composite bonding treatment?

If you don’t bite aggressively with your front teeth, it will last longer. However, it should be noted that it is not as long-lasting as porcelain teeth.

Does the bonding application look natural?

It looks natural because materials suitable for the color and structure of natural teeth are used.

Will there be color changes in composite teeth?

Since the applied material is composite, discoloration may occur in the long term. Because composite is a colorable material. But this will vary from person to person. Coloring will be more in those who overuse coloring agents such as tea and coffee. It also depends on the polishing of the composite filling surface. The smoother and more polished the surface, the more difficult the discoloration is.

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