Taylor Swift is, without a doubt, one of the international pop music icons who attracts millions of followers all over the world. Having initially started her career quite early, Swift has matured musically and visually during these years. Like every other celebrity, such transformation built several speculations about plastic surgery by fans and the media. But how true are these speculations? Now the question is: did Taylor Swift really have plastic surgery? We will see the details in this blog post.
Transformation of Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift began her music career as a country singer and slowly transformed into being a pop star. From the time of her first album, obvious changes can be seen in her appearance. From being known as the little girl in her early days, Swift grew to become mature with a classy look. This transformation has contributed to the speculation of plastic surgery by many people.
Most Commonly Discussed Plastic Surgeries
One of the most talked about plastic surgery speculations on Taylor Swift is rhinoplasty, more popularly known as a nose job. Fans and some media claim to have noticed changes in the shape of Swift’s nose. Usually, such speculations are made by comparing photos of her from her teen years with the recent ones. However, no evidence has been found in any of these speculations.
Breast Augmentation
Another rumor is that Swift got breast augmentation. Specifically, since 2016, several red carpet appearances have triggered rumors that Taylor Swift’s breasts were looking full. However, that could equally be attributed to the clothes and makeup choices.
Lip Fillers
Photos of Taylor Swift sporting fuller lips have been the topic of rumors circulating about lip fillers. With lip fillers being an extremely common procedure among celebrities, most people believe that Swift might have gone for this. On the other hand, makeup techniques can make the lips a bit fuller.
Taylor Swift’s Statements
Taylor Swift has never commented on plastic surgery rumors. Since she prefers to keep her personal life private, Swift does not respond to such allegations. Hence, it cannot be known with complete verification as to whether she has gone for plastic surgery or not.
While there isn’t any definite information as to whether Taylor Swift has undergone plastic surgery, these kinds of speculations are not a first in the life of celebrities. After all, what really matters about Taylor Swift is her ability to produce good music and popularize it. Changes in her appearance can be put down to personal choice and evolution.
Whether or not the plastic surgery rumors are true, it is something Taylor Swift’s fans and the media talk about, but the latter would rather not comment on them. The important thing is her music and successes in her career.